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It is unfortunate that circumventing the Instagram censorship algorithm meant that we had to post our Photo of the Day in two parts.
But here is Emeri Révész Bíró’s ‘Nude with a Smile’ in one piece and in all her glory – smiling at the prude Instagram algorithm
Hungarian photographer Ermery Reves Biro (1895-1975) was well known as a commercial artist and photographer. He graduated of the Commercial Art School in Budapest. The Hungarian Government commissioned him in 1939 to open the Hungarian Pavillion in New York’s World Fair. He remained in New York and persued his profession there.. “Vogue” and “Harper’s Bazaar” published some of his fashion photographs, the so called “Optigrams” consisting of multiple images, taken by one exposure on one negative. His commercial photography showed imagination and his nudes taste and fantasy.
For more information about the print follow the link print.